
Support Bridge’s Planning Application

Could you write in support of the planning applications for a new bridge on the Montgomery Canal?

If you support the resotaration of the Montgomery Canal in Powys, please consider adding your support to the planning application. Diolch and thanks.

Your may knowl that the first lowered road bridge obstacle in Wales south of Llanymynech is at Walls Bridge. In fact, Walls Bridge itself – a typical hump back bridge – still exists but road traffic uses an adjacent causeway across the Canal. Part of the Levelling Up Funded works includes building a new bridge a little closer to the village. The site of the causeway is too close to a road junction to enable a new bridge to be built which meets modern highways standards.

Canal & River Trust have submitted a detailed planning application to build this new bridge – a vital part of the next stage of restoration in Powys.

We would be grateful if you could write in to support this application. Frequently, planning officials only hear from objectors and the “silent majority” go unheard. So, in this case, we want the planning officers to hear from people in favour.

More details can be found by searching for 24/0982/FUL on the Planning Portal for Powys County Council here.

Click on “Make a Comment”. Fill in your name and address. Click the “Support” circle. Ignore the “Reasons for Comment” section as this relates to objections. In the “Your Comment” section, put your own reasons for supporting the planning application, such as “restoring the Canal is a good thing”, “the building of the bridge will further the Canal’s restoration to the benefit of the local community”, “helping to improve the local economy and adding to the people’s well-being”. “This will enhance the built and natural heritage of the Canal and its corridor” or whatever you see as the benefits.

If you live outside Powys, you can still give your opinion – you could emphasise that this is a matter of more than local interest…in fact, it is of national interest.

The date for comments is by Friday August 16 2024.

Or you can write to Planning Services, Powys County Hall, Spa Road East, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5LG quoting the planning application number.”