The Friends of the Montgomery Canal is the membership section of the Montgomery Waterway Restoration Trust and began life in April 2002. The original idea was to enable greater local involvement in supporting the restoration of the Canal.
We are now looking for members who might be interested in getting involved in the Friends’ Management Committee following our Annual General Meeting in February.

The launch on the 27th April 2002 took the form of a fun day in Welshpool and during the day, activities centered around the wharf. The more formal part of the occasion took the form of a panel of experts representing various waterways related organisations and chaired by the Acting Chairman, Geoff Gilman.
Questions were asked and answered on a wide range of subjects relating to the canal. A committee evolved from that meeting and the rest, as they say, is history.
Since that first meeting, things have developed and whilst we are still keen to involve as many people as we can, our focus also includes fundraising for the restoration of the canal. We have various ways of doing this – a variety of events, attending venues to promote the canal, appeals using varying methods and of course, our annual Triathlon.
However to make this work, there is a committee behind it all. And that’s where you come in. We need new committee members to bring new skills and new ideas in order to further help the restoration of the Canal. We need administrators, people with practical skills and people with technology skills. If you feel you can help in any way, let us know.
Our Annual General Meeting is on February 26th via Zoom. So if you are one of those people who think that they can help us to move forward, please contact before that date.
This is your chance to put your mark on the restoration of the Montgomery Canal.