We are delighted that the Restore the Montgomery Canal! Appeal has already raised 50% of its £250,000 target.
Launched at the June 2023 Crickheath Basin Re-opening, the Appeal is for money to enable us and the valiant volunteers to continue the work of closing the Shropshire Gap – restoring the two miles of dry Canal between Crickheath and Llanymynech. Without funds, we cannot pay for the materials and equipment hire needed.
Money has been coming in from many parts of the country, not just locally. One family company made a donation to support the local community …and hopes its example will be echoed.
£76,250 of the £125,000 already raised has been used to provide 30% match funding for £177,000 from the UK Government’s Rural England Prosperity Fund via Shropshire Council. This means that £254,000 is available. Thus every £50 donated to the Appeal has become worth over £150, a multiplier of over threefold.
Further donations to the Appeal will be most welcome. Please go to www.localgiving.org/charity/restorethemontgomerycanal to make your donation.
If you are eligible for Gift Aid, your donation will have 25% added to it. So £50 becomes worth £62.50 – and IF we can repeat the over three times multiplier effect mentioned earlier, then £50 can enable us to achieve over £188 worth of work – nearly four times as much as the donation itself.
The Restore the Montgomery Canal! Appeal group is promoted by the Montgomery Waterways Restoration Trust (and its membership arm The Friends of the Montgomery Canal), supported by the Shropshire Union Canal Society and The Inland Waterways Association’s Shrewsbury District & North Wales Branch.